Schedules are available online


Classes for:

  • Ridden Hunters
  • Best Working Hunter
  • RoR Amateur Ridden Show Series Qualifier
  • RoR Open In-hand Show Series Qualifier
  • BSHA Rising Star of Riding Horse Type
  • Juniors
  • Summer Worker Stakes
  • Registered Welsh Section A and B, C and D
  • Registered Welsh Part-Breds – Ridden
  • Shetland Ponies
  • Mountain & Moorland Ponies
  • Ridden Cobs and Coloured Horses & Ponies
  • Alternative Coloured Horses & Ponies
  • Veteran Horses & Ponies
  • Best Turned-Out Horse or Pony
  • Unaffiliated Dressage
  • Carriage Driving
  • Show Jumping – affiliated and unaffiliated
  • Five-show 1.20/1.25 Showjumping Challenge
  • Open Mounted Fancy Dress
  • Handy Horse & Pony Agility

Schedules will be available from May onwards.

Affiliated to: BS, CHAPS, VHS, RoR, WCPS, SPSBS, EQUIFEST and TSR.Classes for:

Ridden Hunters
Best Working Hunter
RoR Amateur Ridden Show Series Qualifier
RoR Open In-hand Show Series Qualifier
Working Hunter Ponies (Training Stakes)
M & M Working Hunter Ponies
Registered Welsh Section A (Bronze medal) and Registered Welsh Part-Breds – Ridden
Mountain & Moorland Ponies
Ridden Cobs
Coloured Horses & Ponies
Alternative Coloured Horses & Ponies
Veteran Horses & Ponies
Unaffiliated Dressage
Carriage Driving
Show Jumping – affiliated and unaffiliated
Open Mounted Fancy Dress
Handy Horse & Pony Agility

Equine Influenza Vaccinations agreed and recommended by BEF

Equine Influenza and Tetanus vaccinations are a compulsory requirement for all horses attending the Burwarton Show. The requirement for the first three vaccinations is as follows: the first vaccination is Day 1; the second vaccination is to be administered 21 – 60 days later; the third booster vaccination within six months plus 21 days of the second vaccination; subsequent annual booster vaccination within 365 days of the previous booster vaccination. No horse should enter competitions within seven days of an EI vaccination. Foals should commence vaccinations at six months old.

This is the latest guidance from the FEI/BEF but may be subject to change. Competitors are requested to check the website before entering. Passports will be randomly checked.

This rule may be subject to change on guidance from FEI/BEF and competitors are requested to check the website before entering. Checks will be made on Show Day.

This also applies to all Heavy Horse competitors.

Equine Influenza Vaccinations agreed and recommended by BEF

Equine Influenza and Tetanus vaccinations are a compulsory requirement for all horses attending the Burwarton Show.

The requirement for the first 3 vaccinations is as follows: the first 2 vaccinations 21 – 92 days apart, a third booster between 150-215 days, and an annual booster vaccination within 365 days thereafter. No horse should enter competitions within 7 days of an EI vaccination. Foals should commence vaccinations at 6 months old.

This rule may be subject to change on guidance from FEI/BEF and competitors are requested to check the website before entering.  Checks will be made on Show day.

This also applies to all Heavy Horse competitors.