Sponsorship and donations make a vital contribution to the successful running of Burwarton Show which costs in excess of £250,000 to stage. The agricultural machinery displays rival many of the larger shows in the region. These are supported by a wide variety of trade stands, local food producers, a thriving conservation area, home, horticulture and craft displays.
As a Company, or an individual, your brand can be part of the Burwarton Show and enjoy the benefits that sponsorship brings, including the opportunity to raise public awareness of your products or services to our thousands of visitors both on Show Day and via our website and social media exposure.
Please click button below to read more about the sponsorship packages available for Burwarton Show 2025
To ensure you reach your target audience, sponsorship can be tailored to suit your exact requirements.
Please contact our Sponsorship Officer, Richard Yates, 07974 785837, or the Show Manager. 01746 787535, to discuss personalising a package to fit your particular needs.
The Organisers of the Burwarton Show are most grateful to all sponsors whose generosity helps ensure the continued success of our prestigious event. We welcome your support and look forward to seeing you on 7th August 2025